Sweet Corn is Ready!

Gator Sweet Corn

The children received the JD Gator a few years ago for Christmas. It works great for picking sweet corn! When Jacob plants the sweet corn with his four row planter, he leaves a path for the Gator.( I must admit the Gator is used for much more than the sweet corn and Snickers loves to ride in the front seat!)

The pictures below were taken 17 years ago when Jacob and Emily took over the sweet corn business. As you can see they needed quite a bit of assistance the first few years!



Fast Forward – 2014 Emily and Jacob have grown up, but still enjoy the sweet corn business. Watch the video filmed by Joe Murphy to see what a typical day looks like when sweet corn season arrives!




Field corn continues to grow!

We haven’t seen such beautiful lush green in a few years! Like Kevin says it is almost scary!. He reminds us that it has a few months to go before it is in the bin!


Jacob comes home in the evening and continues to use his crop scouting skills.

Jacob with corn

Jacob (He is a good 6’4″!) checking out the corn last week.


Enjoy some sweet corn (with a good amount of butter)this week. We have been sampling a few ears!
