Harvest 2015 is Here!

Where has September gone? Do you realize that three months from today is Christmas??!!
Since September and December calendar days are the same, that means Christmas will be on a Friday. We have another beautiful harvest day in central Iowa. It has been a beautiful week! Today I am sharing some photos of corn harvest. (I finally broke down and updated to a smartphone and I am loving the camera!) Today they plan to move some corn from the drying bins to the other bin; so dinner will be at home.  Grilled hamburgers and orange jello.  Orange Jello Salad is easy and goes well with everything!  Look for it at the end of this post.


In this picture you can also see one of the grass waterways that is in place.

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Snickers is day dreaming about riding in the combine. Later that day she did get to ride with Jacob.



Most of the corn on our farm is feed to our Holsteins.


Now for the recipe:
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It calls for a small box of jello. I usually set the timer or 45 minutes so I do not forget to add the fruit. I usually add 2 bananas and a can of mandarin oranges.

Better get the grill on!

Have a great weekend!